High Expectations, Excellence in Learning, Quality Partnerships
We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to Morisset Public School and thank you for enrolling your child / children with us. We look forward to working with you so that your association with the school will be a happy and rewarding one and hope that you will quickly become part of our school learning community.
Please do not hesitate to contact any member of staff if we can be of assistance to you in ensuring that your child enjoys a challenging and fulfilling start to his / her school years at Morisset Public School.
Address 6 Terrigal Street, Morisset. 2264
Telephone 02 49 731 533 or 02 49 731 435
Fax 02 49 705 939
email morisset-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Hunter / Central Coast Region
School Education Director Dr Fiona Walsh
Address Adamstown District Office
Telephone 4904 3900
Principal Mrs M Warham
Assistant Principals Mr D McGaw
Mrs K Johnson
Mrs C O'Brien
Administrative Manager Mr N Schultz
Administrative Officer Mrs L Miller
School Counsellor Mrs S Donald (Monday)
School Motto
Learn and Live
School Philosophy
Students, Teachers and the Community United in Quality Learning
School Hours
Morning bell 9:00am
Break 1 11.00 – 11:50am (lunch)
Break 2 1:50 – 2:15pm (recess)
Home time 3.00pm
Term Dates
The school year is organised into 4 terms. The dates for students for 2024 are:
Term 1 Wednesday January 31 to Friday April 12
Term 2 Tuesday April 30 to Friday July 5
Term 3 Tuesday July 23 to Friday September 27
Term 4 Monday October 14 to Thursday December 19
A-Z School Information
Administrative Staff
The Administrative Manager and staff provide support to maintain the smooth operation of the school. This involves a variety of tasks including administration of school finances and other clerical duties, enrolment of students, supporting students with First Aid needs and administration of medications, and preparing materials for classrooms. Specialist Learning Support Officers are employed to assist students who receive Funding Support for identified disabilities. General Assistants are employed to assist with resource and asset management and maintenance.
Sometimes parents indicate that students may have allergies or food intolerance. These can be serious and/or life threatening. If your child has an allergy you must identify this and inform the Principal who will provide you with a form for your doctor to complete. In cases where a student has anaphylaxis a health care and management plan will be developed in consultation with you. All staff have received training in anaphylaxis.
Our school is an Asthma Friendly School, with the support of the NSW Asthma Foundation. Parents complete a Student Asthma Record to provide details of asthma management and emergency care.
Our Department of Education and Commuinities (DEC) contributes to the NSW Ambulance Fund covering the cost of transporting students within NSW where necessary. An ambulance will be called if it is felt that a student's health is at risk. Parents or emergency contacts will be contacted as soon as is possible.
K-6 assemblies occur every second Friday, at 2.30pm. Parents are most welcome to attend assemblies. The name of the hosting assembly, as well as any changes to times, will be advised on the School website and in the School Newsletter.
Assessment and Reporting
Assessment in academic areas is a continuous process. Consideration is given to general class work, weekly exercises, stage tasks and student interviews. Observations are made of student work habits and social development. Written reports are issued twice each year and family / teacher meetings are conducted during Term 1, and again in Term 3.
Regular attendance at school is important to ensure satisfactory progress is being made in all aspects of school development. Children should attend school each day unless there is a reason for the absence. When a child returns, a note is required to explain the reason for the absence, the date of the absence and a signature from the parent / caregiver. A reminder letter will be sent home after 5 days requesting a note for any absence. Wherever possible, dental and medical appointments should be made out of school hours. If you are expecting a long-term absence, for reasons of sickness, family holidays etc. (7 days or more), you may apply for an "Exemption from Absence" by filling out the appropriate form available from the school office.
Basic Items
At the start of the year routines are established for classrooms as well as school activities. During this time teachers inform students and parents about any additional items they will need in the classroom. Below is a general list of items. Some classes may require others as well. The teacher will advise parents.
All pencils, scissors and other supplies are provided for K-2 classes.
Years 3-6 classes
Boxes of tissues
Coloured pencils (optional)
Library bag
Library bag
Waterproof shirt / smock for art
Glue sticks
Paper towels
Boxes of tissues
Glue sticks
Best Start
This is an extremely informative Kindergarten tool that gives teachers the knowledge of what literacy and numeracy skills students have when they come to school. This is undertaken in the first week of the school calendar year. More information can be gained from the website: http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/beststart/assess.htm
Bus Passes
The NSW Government School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) provides subsidised travel for eligible school students.
To be eligible for the Scheme a student must be:
- a K-2 student regardless of the distance between their home and school
- a primary student (Years 3-6) who lives more than 1.6 kms (radial distance) from school, or 2.3 kms or more by the most direct walking route to the entry point to the school.
- SSTS passes may be used until 7:00pm, provided that travel is on regular scheduled transport routes for train, bus and ferry services.
- Families may nominate two addresses for eligible children to travel to and from school such as grandparents house, after school care or for separated parents.
Behaviour / Student Well-Being
The school Behaviour and Discipline Policy is available in full and summary form from the office. All students learn the school rules and keys to success before being admitted to the playground. Please make yourself aware of the policy and support the school staff in the implementation of this policy.
Students must wear a helmet if riding a bike, scooter or skateboard to or from school. It is strongly recommended that all bikes have a padlock or security code lock (bikes have disappeared from the bike rack during school hours). There is a bike rack at the front of the school and all bikes must be stored in this area.
A ‘Healthy Schools' canteen operates Wednesday(LUNCH only) and Friday(LUNCH and RECESS). Menu changes and updates are included in the weekly newsletter. Lunch orders should be written on a paper bag or envelope and delivered to the canteen before school begins. Students may purchase from the canteen between 11:20-11:45am and 1:50 – 2:05pm. The school contracts the canteen, but volunteers are still welcome to assist.
On some special days, the canteen is permitted to sell 'red light' foods that are normally unavailable throughout the year. A note will be sent home to inform parents about 'red light' days prior to the event.
Care Records
From time to time students will participate in excursions in the local community. The care record will contain permission to participate in these activities however a note will go home informing you of these excursions when they do arise. In addition is the ‘permission to photograph' consent form. This is permission to publish student's names and photographs in the school newsletter or on the school website.
Classes are organised to enable the Board of Studies syllabus requirements to be met and implemented effectively. Classroom teachers are appointed by the NSW Department of Education and Training based on a State average formula of:
Kindergarten 1 teacher for every 20 Kindergarten students
Year 1 1 teacher for every 22 students
Year 2 1 teacher for every 24 students
Years 3-6 1 teacher for every 30 students
While every attempt is made to meet State average class sizes, occasionally there may be slight adjustments in numbers to meet student needs. The number of classes that may be formed each year is based on the staffing entitlement, meaning that multi age, or multi-stage classes may be established if enrolment numbers so dictate.
Common Communicable Disease Control
For a speedy and safe recovery from the majority of diseases children should be kept at home. To further stop the spread of infection it is wise to insist that hands are washed before eating and after using the toilet. Children must not share food or drinks. Teach your child to use a handkerchief correctly and ensure that they always have a handkerchief or tissues handy. With some diseases, the department requires you to exclude your child, for others there are basic health requirements. A NSW Department of Health Information sheet – ‘Some Infectious Diseases of Children' – is available from the office and provides a useful guide for parents.
Regular and open communication between home and school is an essential part of effective learning. Formal communication occurs through the P&C Association, publication of the school newsletter and through interviews set up between teachers, parents, caregivers and other specialist staff.
Smaller issues of concern or daily arrangements can be conveyed on an informal basis by a telephone call, letter, or by speaking with a staff member.
If you have a matter to discuss with your child's teacher, it will be necessary to make an appointment with the teacher at a time that is mutually convenient and outside regular teaching times. Appointments can also be made with the school Principal. Please contact the office to organise this if necessary.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. A small problem can often be misconstrued and magnified when discussed amongst well meaning friends. Please give the school an opportunity to answer your questions in the first instance or provide information to which you do not have access. We genuinely seek to find positive solutions to problems for the benefit of our students.
Our school offers educational opportunities for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 covering the six Key Learning Areas courses of study are taught in accordance with the K-6 syllabuses developed by the Board of Studies. The Board of Studies website www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.aucontains useful information and overviews of each key learning area for parents.
Stages of Learning
The Board of Studies syllabus outcomes are organised in stages of learning. They include descriptions of performance expected to be gained by most students by the end of each stage of learning and are the basis of what is being taught in each classroom. With the exception of early stage 1, most students generally take two years to meet the intended outcomes for each stage.
Early Stage 1
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Years 1 and 2
Years 3 and 4
Years 5 and 6
Most students will achieve outcomes of each stage in the years listed above. However, some children will be working at a later or earlier stage, depending on their individual learning needs.
Key Learning Areas:
English consists of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. They learn about English language and literature, how language varies according to context and how to communicate to a range of audiences for different purposes. Students learn to read for information and pleasure. They gain a sound grasp of language structures, punctuation, spelling and grammar.
HSIE includes learning about history, geography, civics and citizenship. They investigate their personal and community identity and gain an understanding of their nation and its place in the world. Students learn to participate effectively in maintaining and improving the quality of their society and environment.
Mathematics consists of strands of: Working Mathematically; Number (whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, chance); Space and Geometry (3D space, 2D space, position); Measurement (length, area, volume, capacity, mass, time); Patterns and Algebra; and Data
Health, Personal Development and Physical Education lessons teach students about games and sports, growth and development, interpersonal relationships, personal health choices, safe living and active lifestyles. Child Protection and Drug Education programs are taught each year within this Key Learning Area.
In Science and Technology students develop skills such as investigating, designing and making and using technology.
Creative Arts includes strands of visual arts, music, dance and drama.
The Syllabus also includes outcomes for learning values and developing attitudes so that students develop a system of personal values based on their understanding of moral, ethical and spiritual matters.
Custody of Children
The Principal must be informed of the conditions of custody when parents are separated. Please ensure that you inform the school of any change in custody conditions. Court orders must be produced if access is limited to a particular parent or guardian. The same applies for any AVOs that include the child or children.
Emergency Contact Information
A file of emergency contacts is kept at the school office. When enrolling your child you will be requested to complete emergency information. Please ensure that all details are filled in correctly. If your family name, address, phone or contact number or doctor changes, please inform the school as soon as possible. You may telephone with any changes to details or request a form from the office.
Enrolment – General
Our school has a local enrolment zone that is based on residential address. If you are unsure if you live in our school area, it is best to enquire at the office. Non-local enrolment may be applied for. The school's Enrolment Policy provides further details.
Your child must be turning 5 years old by 31st July in the year you wish to enrol to begin school. Documentary proof of age is required (birth certificate or passport). Before commencing school, children should be fully immunised. A copy of the Immunisation Record should be provided to the school. Proof of residence (eg. Rates notice, rental advice, utilities bill) will need to be sighted to confirm your address.
Extra Curricula
Morisset Primary School have students that usually participate in the Westlakes Performing Arts Festival and some are selected by audition to appear in the Starstruck extravaganza.
Financial Assistance
The State Government provides the school with a Student Assistance grant to assist eligible families with school-related expenses. Assistance is available for school essentials such as excursions and uniforms. The principal will assist with enquiries on a confidential basis.
Hats – No hat, play in the shade
In accordance with Cancer Council guidelines, children must wear broad brimmed school hats (red) when outside. A "No Hat – Play in the Shade" policy restricts exposure to sunlight. Morisset Primary School has been accredited as a "Sun Smart School" by the Cancer Council.
Head Lice
Head lice can be difficult to eradicate from a school. Unless all children are treated correctly, they will easily re-infest each other. If head lice are observed, parents will be notified and requested to treat their children on the same day. Treatment will need to be occur again 7 and 14 days later.
Health Care Plans
If your child has a medical or health condition, it may be necessary to complete a Health Care Plan for our school records. This will assist the school to ensure that we are adequately prepared to meet your child's needs on a day-to-day basis and in case of emergency. Please complete the appropriate sections on the enrolment form in the first instance. You may also contact the office to discuss specific issues or requirements.
Home Reading Scheme
We encourage all parents to read with, or listen to their children read each night. A home reading scheme operates for all students. Awards are presented based on the NUMBER OF NIGHTS of reading. Students may read the home readers, Premier's Reading Challenge books or other library books. They may read one or two books a night, a chapter or a number of pages. The awards are to encourage the students to read each day.
The individual teacher sets homework on a regular basis. It is intended that completing set tasks at home will help develop better study habit skills. Homework may vary in nature but an expectation that children read at home exists across all grades. The school's Homework Policy provides further details.
All children should be fully immunised before enrolling at school. An Immunisation Certificate should be produced upon enrolment. The school will record details of children with and without immunisation. Under the Public Health (Amendment) Act 1992 children for whom proof of immunisation has not been provided may be asked to stay at home during an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease.
Except for a wrist watch, medi-alert bands, YCDI bands, stud or sleeper earrings and a signet ring, all other jewellery including dangling earrings, bracelets, anklets and necklaces should not be worn (see Uniform Policy).
Kindergarten Transition Program
A Kindergarten Transition Program is conducted for children enrolling in Kindergarten in the following year. This involves the children attending school at certain times throughout Term 3 and 4. Information regarding this program is provided to parents when enrolment forms are completed. This time allows the children to become used to the formal routine of the school, the parents used to the school routine and the teachers to assess the children ready for the following year.
Late Arrivals / Early Leavers
Children arriving late must be accompanied to the office by their parent / carer to obtain a late arrival pass which is then given to the class teacher and recorded in the attendance roll. Parents / caregivers wishing to collect their child before normal finishing time must collect an ‘early leavers' pass from the office to give to the child's teacher. The attendance roll will be marked accordingly. It is a legal requirement to have a documented reason when your child is late to arrive, or is leaving early.
All students visit the library weekly, as part of scheduled lessons. Student may borrow 1-2 books per week, using a library bag. Lost or damaged books must be paid for.
In accordance with the department's policy, staff may administer prescribed medication to students on a voluntary basis. If medication is required three times a day, parents should endeavor to administer it before school, after school and at bedtime. If medication must be administered during school hours, it should be in its original package. Parents will need to complete an application form to dispense the medication. Under no circumstances should students bring medication to school without permission.
Children should be given only the minimum amount of money required for canteen purchases or school activities and should be encouraged to keep money on their person (eg. in a zippered pocket). Payments for school activities, such as excursions and sport, should be made to the office. If possible, please send correct amounts in an envelope with the student's name, class, amount and reason written on the front. Receipts will be issued. If you are unable to pay for school activities by the given date, please contact the class teacher or Principal.
National Partnership Program
We are in the enviable position of receiving National Partnership funding to our school. This funding enhances the Literacy and Numeracy programs that are run across our school. More information can be gained from the website: http://smarterschools.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx
National Testing Program
Students in Year 3 and 5 sit for a National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy in Term 2 each year. All students in Year 3 and 5 are expected to sit these tests as they provide teachers and parents with valuable feedback about a child's progress. If you have any concerns or questions about this program please discuss with your child's teacher or a member of the school executive. Exemptions are available in some circumstances.
The School also participates in the Newcastle Permanent Maths State Competition. Optional I.C.A.S. (University) competition tests for Mathematics, Science, Literacy and Spelling are held throughout the year. There is a small fee involved with these competitions.
A regular newsletter is produced each fortnight to promote school activities and student achievements and provide information about coming events or activities. The newsletter is usually sent home on a Wednesday.Additional copies are available in the foyer or can be viewed via a link on our school website.
P&C Association
The P&C meets at regular times throughout the year. Please check the school newsletter or phone the office for current meeting time/s. All parents are welcome. Meeting dates will be advertised in the school Newsletter and on the School Website. The P & C annual general meeting takes place during the last P & C meeting of the year. At this meeting, members vote in the P & C executive for the following calendar year.
Parent and Community Participation
Parents and caregivers are strongly encouraged to participate as partners in education and learning. Your skills are valued. We welcome the assistance and invite your participation in classroom, special group, cultural or sporting activities, as well as school functions. Opportunities for active and genuine parent and community participation are numerous and include:
- assisting in classrooms
- assisting with special school events
- participating on school teams
- joining the P&C
- completing surveys and questionnaires about our school
- learning from each other through meetings, interviews, focus groups and other forums.
Information and invitations to participate and learn from each other will be provided throughout the year via the school newsletter. Parents and others who wish to assist in school programs can contact the class teacher or office administrative staff. Parents must fill out a declaration form.
Please be very aware that only restricted parking is available at the front of the school during the peak morning and afternoon times. A "drop off" (no parking) zone is available past the crossing near the western gate (towards the high school). Signs clearly describe the legal area. There is NO STOPPING in the bus zone at the front of the school during the hours 8:00am to 9:30am and from 2:30 – 4:00pm. Rangers regularly patrol during these hours and fines are in excess of $300.
There is no on site parking available at any time. For disabled access please see the Principal. The staff car park is for use by teachers and ancillary staff only.
Please also observe the 40kph speed limit from 8:00-9:30am and from 2:30-4:00pm.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an educational process that brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The PBL framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.
PBL is a process, not a program.
When PBL is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction.
Students and staff benefit from:
- reduced problem behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- better support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student needs
- a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time.
PBL can be implemented in any school setting to support students from pre-school through to Year 12.
The PBL framework helps schools identify and successfully implement evidenced-based whole-school practices that enhance learning outcomes for children and young people.
The PBL framework can be used to strengthen the existing systems, structures and processes within the school which underpin the school’s ongoing improvement and effectiveness. For example, the PBL framework encourages the use of school-wide data to identify patterns of problem behaviour, monitor student progress, reflect on teaching effectiveness and inform decisions that strengthen the learning environment.
School Photographs
Official school photographs are arranged each year. Professional photographers visit the school to take class, individual and family photos. There is no obligation to purchase photographs.
Sick Bay
The school has a sick bay which is located in the administration block. There are two beds where children may rest if they are unwell or receive an injury. Students can be monitored from the main office. Parents will be contacted using the emergency numbers you have provided if your child presents to sick bay and does not recover in a short period of time.
Special Religious Education
The school supports the special religious education program and all students attend dependent on the availability of volunteer tutors. If you do not wish to have your child attend scripture classes you need to apply in writing to the Principal who will issue an exemption certificate. Currently classes are multi denominational Christian and are staffed by the local churches.
Support for students with disabilities or learning difficulties
If your child has a disability, appropriate support will be sought from the Department to assist your child in the mainstream school environment. Please advise the school if your child receives disability support at their current school. If your child is experiencing learning difficulties at school, additional support may be available. The Learning Support Team (LST) will coordinate this. Parents or teachers may choose to complete a referral for the LST if there are concerns about progress or development.
Teaching Staff
Every child has a classroom teacher who is responsible for the teaching and learning program. Other teachers who provide educational opportunities as part of the overall program include:
- Release from Face to face (RFF) teacher (teachers are entitled to 2 hours of RFF per week)
- Support Teacher Learning Assistance (STLA) who provides support to identified and targeted students who require extra assistance in particular areas, with emphasis on literacy and numeracy
- School Counsellor who is available to assist with the diagnosis of students with learning difficulties and to make recommendations or assist students who may need support with emotional or social difficulties. Our counsellor is in our school each Wednesday.
- Teacher / Librarian who works with students and staff to ensure that students K-6 develop research and information skills.
- Itinerant teachers – the school can access teachers with expertise in providing specialised programs for students with specific disabilities, such as vision and hearing, as required.
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a feature of our school. Technology is utilised for teaching and learning across the curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 6 and as well as computers students learn to use our interactive whiteboard, digital cameras and videos, data projectors etc. All students have access to ‘Reading Eggs' and ‘Studyladder'. These online resources require usernames and passwords which are given out at the beginning of the school year.
All students are issued with computer usernames and passwords. Please ensure your child keeps this information secure and does not share it with others. Each student also receives a DET email address.
Useful Websites
www.morisset-p.schools.nsw.edu.au http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/
www.schools.nsw.edu.au www.bosnsw-k6.nsw.edu.au
www.det.nsw.edu.au www.tale.edu.au/home.aspx
Please actively encourage your child to wear school uniform every day. This will assist us to:
- define an identity for our school within the community;
- develop students' sense of belonging to the school;
- provide opportunities to develop school spirit and promote whole school tone and morale;
- increase the personal safety of students; and
- remove the possibility of dress competition.
Summer Normal Wear
Red polo with school logo
Black shorts
White socks with black shoes
Red wide brimmed school hat
Summer Normal Wear
Plain black culottes, with
Red polo shirt (with logo)
White socks with black shoes
Red wide brimmed school hat
Winter normal wear
Plain black pants with red school shirt or skivvy –
Red V-neck sweater (with emblem), or
Zippered school jacket (with emblem)
White socks with black shoes
Red wide brimmed school hat
Winter normal wear
Plain black pants and red school shirt or skivvy
Red V-neck sweater (with emblem), or
Zippered school jacket (with emblem)
White socks, with black shoes
Red wide brimmed school hat
Primary Sports Wear
MPS red/white sports shirt
Black sports shorts
White socks and joggers
Black track suit pants
Red wide brimmed school hat
School Athletics Carnival and School Cross Country children wear their House Colours
Pulbah – Green
Watagan – Yellow
Macquarie – Blue
Mufti-days – to be advised by note or school newsletter.
The P&C operates a uniform shop for the benefit of all families. This keeps uniform costs to a minimum. Friday is the current day for uniform purchases. A P&C representative will be available at the multi-purpose room to assist on Friday mornings.
Volunteers are encouraged to work with children to assist with school programs. These may be parents or grandparents or community members. All volunteers are required to complete a Prohibited Employment Declaration at the beginning of the year. Office staff and teachers will issue these. Each time you come to the school to volunteer you are required to call in at the office and sign in. This is an OHS requirement and ensures that we know who is on the premises at all times. Please sign out as you depart the school.
Please be aware that being a volunteer is a privileged position and you will see and hear things in classrooms that must remain confidential. If a matter comes to your attention during your time at the school that is a cause for concern please inform the teacher or a member of the school executive. Breaches of confidentiality have the potential to undermine the goodwill of all volunteers. Please do not repeat information you hear or see in the context of your volunteering to others. Student records, performance etc is a very sensitive matter between the teacher and child involved.
Voluntary School Contributions
Each year, the amount of voluntary contributions is set within the guidelines provided by the NSW Government. The voluntary school contribution amount is determined each year in consultation with the P&C.
Our school website can be found at:www.morisset-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Zone Sports
Students at Morisset PS have the opportunity to qualify for Zone Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country through the school's own Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals. Students are also selected to try out for various zone sporting teams such as soccer, netball, softball, AFL, rugby league etc.
Students can then progress onto Regional and State representation. The school also enters State Knockout team competitions for various sports each year.