Uniform Shop - P&C
Uniform shop is run by volunteers and is open from 12:30 to 1:30pm on Fridays only. We will be situated in the Multipurpose Room very soon. All orders will be packed and ready to collect on Fridays after 1:30pm, once full payment is verified.
Paper order forms – these can be found in the office or you can download them from the school website or from the MPS P&C Facebook page linktree site. Please fill in all details requested on the form. There is a sizing guide on the back of the form as well.
School24 – if you have a School24 account, you can order uniform this way. Orders close at midday on the Friday for packing and pick up same day. See the information page here to register for this option.
If you need uniform urgently before the Friday, then please see the office staff who will be able to help you.
Payment options – all payments must be made in full before items can be collected.
• CASH – please pay the correct amount in cash, as change is severely limited.
• BANK TRANSFER/ Pay ID – please pay in full and retain the receipt number of your transaction, which needs to be written on the paper order form and shown to the office or P&C person dealing with your transaction.
• EFTPOS – these payments can currently only be processed by a P&C member and must be done on site, or over the phone while the P&C member is on site.
• SCHOOL24 – you can pay immediately by debit/credit card on the School24 site, unless you want to use the NSW Back To School Vouchers.
• NSW Back To School VOUCHERS – you can use these to pay, or part pay, for uniforms. We will need to see your vouchers, or have the 16 digit number of your voucher, in order to process them.
If you wish to use vouchers and order via School24, then you can email the voucher codes to us at mpspc@yahoo.com and then order through School24, selecting “Payment at Pick Up” as your payment option.
No change can be given on the vouchers so if your total goes over the value of the vouchers you wish to use, you will need to pay the rest by some other method. OR you can pay over the value in vouchers and lose the excess – e.g. if your order comes to $130 you can either pay with 2 vouchers and $30 in some other way; OR you can pay using 3 x $50 vouchers but you would lose $20 worth of voucher.